Samen met mijn collega Laxman Muragappan uit India zijn we uitgenodigd om een workshop te geven tijdens Gamification Europe op 27 oktober in Utrecht. We brengen dan liefde en geluk als thema in het bedrijfsleven samen met spelelementen én Lego Serious Play.
Hieronder de omschrijving van de workshop:
People who love their work perform better. Deep down we know: it’s the people who make the difference in organizations. Yet we often do not act accordingly. That’s why it’s so important to get themes like love and happiness on the agenda. Now more than ever.
Love gives us a framework of principles and goals through which we dare to live our lives. By loving things, we can achieve our goals. If we didn’t love anything, then nothing would really have value in life. That’s just as true in a business setting.
We present a game that helps people to make the concepts of love and happiness in a business context feasible and practical.